What fields can I expect from Polygon’s Financials API?
To make the data more comparable across reports, we parse the XBRL and map tags to the generalized financial concepts that we return in our API.
A financial report can have data points specialized for an industry, or even a specific company. To make the data more comparable across reports, we parse the XBRL and map tags to the generalized financial concepts that we return in our API. When using the Financials API, you can learn more about where each individual data point came from by passing the query parameter ‘include_sources=true’. The mappings and techniques we use were heavily influenced by the methodology outlined in this guide to XBRL Accounting Concepts.
In this index you’ll find the list of all possible fields you might see in the ‘financials’ block of an API response. Note that fields will only be present if their values directly reported, or they can be computed based on other data points in the underlying data.
Field Name
Current Assets
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